Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This was a good party. I sang a few tunes that I chose to sing, but this is a picture of me coerced into singing "Imagine," by John Lennon, who I'd bet couldn't even begin to imagine living without possessions. Yoko, forget Yoko, she has an entire apartment in the Dakota refrigerated to store her furs.
Yeah, "imagine living in the forest, without a pot to pee . . ." Maybe it's easier if you're a multi-millionaire.


Anonymous said...

you look like that BTK guy in this picture.

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine living without modern conveniences especially flush toilets! Somehow having modern possessions doesn't mean having excess as I think of Sister Rosie as an example. Imagine how the world will see us if Obama wins. Imagine. Ann

Anonymous said...

BTK: http://images.usatoday.com/news/_photos/2005/07/07/btk.jpg

fred c said...

I always look like the BTK guy. The first time I saw him on TV I thought I'd been arrested.

Rory Cripps said...

Fred: I'm curious . . . what were some of the other musical numbers that you performed?