Friday, July 2, 2021

Filthy Animals Surrender Their Democracy To Autocrats

And willingly, too, shouting with glee, wearing stupid red hats.

Oh, don't be offended, it's not just you, or just the Red-Hats. It's all of us. I humbly include myself. Humans are simply one of the filthy species that inhabit this tiny speck of filth that we call Earth. Only our shame at our nakedness separates us from the rest of the worms and the bugs, the pigs and the pangolins, the so-called fauna of the Earth. We are pretentious, therefore we are.

You can find a more detailed explanation here, written on another of the rare days when my darkness overcomes my generally charming nature.

Our nation, indeed, our world, is well down the slippery slope to the muddy river, soon there to dwell, as dead as the silt that occluded the once clear water in better days.

What exciting times! The ocean has begun to reclaim Miami. Bad enough when the temperature exceeds 110 degrees Fahrenheit in Woodland Hills in June, but can we all agree that it is a sign from God when a whole town in British Columbia, Canada, reaches 121 degrees Fahrenheit and BURSTS INTO FLAMES? Those are Death Valley numbers. Have you looked at a weather map of Siberia recently? They are showing temps in the one-hundred-and-teens! What horrors lurk in the collapsing permafrost! We'll find out soon enough. We will be introduced to all of them!

I notice from recent photos that the golf courses in our western desert areas are still green, so obviously the seriousness of our water situation has not yet made any impression on the self-absorbed minds of our public officials. They have either not seen, or have not understood, the photos of the major reservoirs in the western states. Too bad, really. They don't care, because their country clubs are nice and green, and they had wonderful showers this morning. If they are thinking about water at all, they are considering the possibilities! When every homeowner must rely on keeping her own water tanks full with deliveries from private companies, imagine the revenue stream! Awarding contracts; accepting kick-backs. It will be a bonanza!

Politics! Save some of your terror for politics! American politics has been running against the grains of common sense and human decency for at least fifty years now, and Sweetie, those chickens are coming home to roost. We are faced with some interesting (!) questions.

Whose will be the new face on the money after the autocracy takes power? That some form of autocracy is imminent is obvious. What form will it take? That's the only remaining question. Will it be primarily patriotic? (Tom Cotton.) Or will it be theocratic? (Mike Pompeo.) Perhaps it will be Jesus on the money! What fun that will be.

It makes little difference whether Trump is successfully prosecuted for some crimes or other (unlikely, in my opinion), or whether he drops dead tomorrow (better chance of that happening). One thing is certain: seventy-one million Red-Hats voted for that asshole, after watching him embarrass himself, his schools, and his entire family every day for almost five years. They STILL voted for him. That shows you the enormity of their need for some kind of certainty in this confusing modern world of ours. If need be, they will transfer this need to another host.

That host will not be Joe Biden. It will not be a Democrat at all, nor even a democratically inclined person. It will be a Republican. They are the party of autocracy now. The ones with all of the answers.

Trump had one thing going for him: he had a carnival barker's talent for firing up a crowd. If he becomes unavailable somehow, the Republicans will need to find another effective speaker. Notice that I did not say, “another good speaker.” Trump is not, nor has he ever been, a good speaker. Tom Cotton is a fair speaker; he never really shines in the role. Mike Pompeo is a sadly inadequate speaker. Governor DiSantis of Florida is also an awful speaker. Who amongst the Republicans can really deliver a proper stem-winder? They'd better find someone quick while they're holding a stacked deck. Someone may break out a new deck of cards and spoil the gag.

A completely unscrupulous great speaker may come along and take over the entire game. That would be a quick death for democracy in America. The alternative is the kind of slow drift that we have become accustomed to. Both paths lead to hell.

Hell! The fires have already started.

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