Saturday, May 26, 2012

T-Shirts Update

I see a lot of strange T-shirts, strange messages on T-shirts.   So many that I hardly pay attention anymore.  But the other day I saw two really good ones within the space of a minute. 

"My other shirt has
Che Guevara
on it"

The image of Che is very, very popular in Thailand.  Back in the 1970's there was some communist agitation in Thailand, and even a certain amount of shooting up the countryside.  So there are some university educated lefties from that era who can still wax romantic about Che.  It's not them displaying the products though, it's kids.  So a Che Guevara joke is appropriate. 

"Communism Killed
100 million people
and all I got was
this lousy T-shirt"

This one is a tougher read.  I mean, somebody wrote the copy, but what on earth was their agenda? 

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