Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Bantam Rooster - Deal Me In

There are multiple troubles in Music City, people. A lot of these lurid, no-commercial-potential records from "some time ago" (like, the 1990s), are falling off the YouTube. These records were hard to find in the first place, and in some cases, like in my case, they only exist on CDs that were recorded "some time ago." This is all problematic. 

The computers are all gone, and well, curse me for a dolt but I'm not sufficiently organized to back-up all of my stuff sufficiently. Remember they told us that CDs were going to last fifty years? That was bullshit, I hate to break it to you. 

YouTube is great, and it seems sometimes like every single record or live tape of all time is up there, but it's not true. Plus, some of the material that is still there is hard to search. Just the name of the band and the name of the song gets you nowhere. Like "He's Waiting," but by the Meices (the Sonics had the original), is only available under the name of a Japanese car club. There it is, accompanying a spectacular video of their cars, but you need to know the name of the car club, which I forget at this moment. You see what I mean. 

So to anyone who still has their records I say, please live long and prosper, so that you can keep putting great obscurities up on YouTube. Be kind enough to make them easy to search and find. We'll appreciate it, and you'll get some damn good Karma. 

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