Sunday, August 2, 2020

Celebration! And A Book Plug

Thanks to Kool Bell and the crew for helping me celebrate the warm welcome for the post below this, "Things That No Longer Seem to Matter." Over six hundred reads, and they don't look like bots either. Three serious comments from real people! That's all a rare thrill for me, so thanks everybody.

Perhaps I should take this opportunity to plug my book! A rare moment of self-promotion. Here's the direct link to Amazon. The e-book is still specially priced at ninety-nine cents.

Political Rants: Lefty Vitriol in the Age of Obama and Trump. It was drawn from these very pages. The text was cleaned up a bit, but none of the content was altered to make me look smarter after the benefit of hindsight. There are so many posts in the archive by now that it would be difficult to follow the thread of politics since 2008. It's all in the book, in chronological order. Watch the nightmare unfold in real time! 

I deeply appreciate any time that people spend reading my work. I enjoy writing it, but it's more fun if I know that someone is reading it. 

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