Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Thinking of my friend from the DR. That would be the Dominican Republic. We've been around the block. He moved up to NYC, where I was born and raised. We met by chance, both of us married by then. We got along, and my education in Caribbean Latin music and cooking was a great benefit to me. I moved to California and lived there for thirty years, and by now I've lived in Asia for twenty years. He's back in the DR. We still manage to stay in touch. 

Fun Fact: Puerto Rico, the DR, and my adopted home, are all about 13 degrees north latitude. I was thinking that the weather should be about the same, or maybe it's cooler on the islands, with the breeze and all. Not true. I've looked it all up a couple of times, and the Caribbean islands are much hotter. Actually, much more humid. It rarely goes above body temperature where I live (37 Celsius; 98.6 Fahrenheit). In the Caribbean the temperature is often rather higher than that. (Note: it's always hot where I live, in fact almost every day it reaches 35 C, 95 F. But rarely more. Lower when it rains, which is often.) 

The difference is the humidity. In the Caribbean it is humid like Florida, humid like the East Coast up to New York. Summers over there it can get up to 100 F and 98% humidity. By me? Humidity usually thirty points below the temperature. 95 F and 59% humidity. There's a big difference in the feel, to say the least. 

I miss my friend, but I'm too old to move again. Also too old to feel like traveling. I guess I'm just at the age where one looks backwards more than forwards. There's so much back there. 

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