Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Sad But True - Transplants

People come, and people go. They may have died or simply moved on. I got used to it living in Los Angeles for almost thirty years. Now I have also seen a lot of it in Thailand as well. People want to check it out. Some will stay forever. I almost stayed in LA forever. External circumstances drove me to Thailand. (No, not police. The jobs and the favorable cost of living.) Some stay a few years, and then they decide that they want to return to their old lives, or try Oregon, or Berkeley. You may simply say good luck, or you may have formed a very close bond with them and will miss them terribly. 

Those who die do so on their own motion. That probably wasn't their idea, so you can't hold it against them. You may, however, miss them. If you are a person who loves their friends, all of this can be difficult. 

Good luck to all of my friends who have moved on. To the living, to the dead, and to the ones who had their reasons. I love you all. 

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