At the mall yesterday I ran into a condo neighbor of mine,
another American quasi-retiree of approximately my age, education and
background. We expressed some similar
views of the current state of our country, but he added, “well, they’re all the
same, both sides are guilty.” Politics
of course, Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals. This is a common attitude right now, but it
is wrong. They’re not the same at all.
While it may be true to say that in modern American politics
no one is innocent, it remains true that there are dramatic differences in the
effect of one side or the other being in power.
Individual politicians, virtually all of them, are more or less guilty
of the negative behaviors that the process forces upon them, or brings out in
them. They are, most of them, a bunch of
prevaricating, money-grubbing, self-interested vultures. But this does not make them the same, except in
the most shallow analysis.
Here’s the difference:
One side is almost always on the wrong side of important issues of
social justice, and the other side is much more often on the right side.
Issues of social justice!
Here’s an incomplete list, in no particular order:
Reproductive rights (abortion and
Voting rights;
Gender equality;
Sexual freedom;
Campaign financing;
Racial justice;
Social Security, Medicare, etc;
Invasive surveillance;
Fair wages and taxation;
Excessive military spending;
Mass incarceration;
Financial abuses;
Net Neutrality;
Employment rights;
Gun violence;
Drug addiction;
Consumer protection.
I would add Global Climate
Change, but that’s just me.
My friend also mentioned that taxes were ridiculously high
in America. So we had, “they’re all the
same,” “government is the problem,” and “taxes are too high.” He’s way up on his talking points, this
None of those things are true. They are all the agit-prop talking points of
the side that is wrong. This is how they
get people to vote for them. And when
they are in power, what do we get?
Unnecessary wars, unnecessary reductions in taxes for people who don’t
need the help, reductions in the budgets of social programs, wild spending on
unnecessary military programs, the erosion of many rights that we take for
granted, increased budget deficits, and more incarceration for minor
offenses. Reagan, both Bushes, guilty,
guilty and guilty. Oh, and we get a lot
more talk about how America is the greatest country in history, that’s a good
vote getter too.
They inflict violence against social justice across the
When the other side is in power, it really is
different. Bill Clinton was certainly no
Liberal, but his eight years were marked by general peace, prosperity and
reduced deficits. (That all ended
suddenly when W. Bush was elected.)
Barack Obama is no Liberal either, but he did a great job of avoiding financial
disaster and returning the country to some kind of economic equilibrium. He also seems to prefer avoiding war, which
is a good thing. He has also reduced
Neither Clinton nor Obama can be considered perfect, but they
can both be considered friends of social justice and fiscal
responsibility. That cannot be said
about anyone on the other side.
So don’t believe the hype when someone says, “they’re all
the same.” They’re not.
It’s worth recalling that Mr. Jesus was way up on the social
justice himself. He stood four-square
with the common man against the excesses of the ruling powers of his age,
including his own religion (Judaism). So
if you won’t do it for me, do it for Jesus!
Find the social justice vote in every election, and give them your
support. It will help you on Judgment
Day. Vote against social justice at your
peril. They say the other place is
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