Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Spencer Davis Group - Somebody Help Me (Beat Beat Beat - 1966)

Well, well, well . . . Spencer Davis could speak pretty good German.  Not easy, that.  Good band too. 

The real story here is Steve Winwood.  Steve is three months older than me; we turned eighteen in 1966.  As you can see, Steve was performing at a high level by then.  He'd joined the group at seventeen and started knocking them dead immediately.  Me?  I was, let's say, less talented and much less well organized.

This video is a good example of "set up and play."  I've always valued the acts that could just set up and play, the acts that could show up and hit home runs, up close and personal.  I'm convinced that that's where it's at in the music business.  Some cats got it; some cats ain't.  These guys made a good show of it.

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