Thursday, January 12, 2012

Five U.S. Senators Are Perfect Koch Servants, Americans For Prosperity Reports

Five U.S. Senators Are Perfect Koch Servants, Americans For Prosperity Reports: pFive senators and 39 representatives received a perfect 100 percent score from the Koch brothers’ Astroturf group Americans For Prosperity for the first half of the 112th Congress. AFP judged Congress on their votes to protect the Koch brothers’ right-wing petrochemical empire on such issues as the repeal of President Obama’s new health care law, [...]/p

This is the part that gets me every time: is this the peanuts that they sell us out for? Sure, they get more from other, similar sources, and sure, other benefits accrue to them, but finally they sell us out for a pittance. They end up as mere ten-millionaires while their betters laugh at them and we get the shaft. I try to leave the politics to others, plenty of people are much better at it than I could ever be. But I am not without my anger, and my indignation.

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