Monday, November 27, 2017

Andre Williams - "The Monkey Speaks His Mind"

Andre "Bacon Fat" Williams shares his opinion on matters of general interest.

Mr. Rhythm has had a long and various career. He started out in the 1950s, and he's still going at the age of eighty-one, because those bills don't pay themselves, you know. He took a few years off in the middle somewhere to practice up on getting loaded, but he got that out of his system and resumed entertaining. His work around 2000 with the Dirtbombs, and a couple of years later with the Dutch band Green Hornet, are fabulous low-fi garage rock classics.

Music is a tough gig, and anyone who can make a living at it deserves our respect and admiration. Andre has always managed to be highly entertaining in the process. So thanks for everything, Andre. I hope you're doing okay.

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