Thursday, May 23, 2013

UNCUT Footage of Woolwich Terrorist Attack UK Woolwich Attack 22.5.2013

This morning I saw this guy's whole statement on CNN; by now it's getting hard to find.  He sounds too reasonable, "remove your government!  they don't care about you!"  So, two black Africans in Brittan run over a soldier, jump out and cut him with kitchen implements, and then calmly walk over to passers by and speak into cell phone cameras.  And the passers by don't feel particularly threatened!  That's something new under the sun, by God, and something dangerous too.  We're supposed to be afraid, but people talked to this guy, bloody hands, cleavers and all, he seems like a nice enough guy.  I wouldn't be surprised if by tomorrow it were impossible to find this remarkable document at all. 


phil said...

Hard to find? If you were in a sealed off nuclear bunker 2 miles underground maybe! It's everywhere - and i will bet you a great night out that it will be fully available every day of your life...

Anonymous said...

this video is edited. you can find the real unedited uncut version without commentary on other sites such as liveleak.

fred c said...

Phil: yeah, I guess it's still up! I did see a couple of "not available due to copyright problems" kind of things. Maybe I over-reacted.

Anonymous: The liveleak uncut version is massive. This guy is great. He talks about "our people" (i.e. Muslims) in one breath and in the next he talks about "our soldiers" (i.e. the dead guy, an Englishman). He speaks with a perfect London accent (one of the many) and he is obviously culturally English, but with a very skewed POV. He's polite, and even apologizes to the women present. Too bad the guy had to die, but wow, doesn't the world get more interesting day by day?