Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tea Bagging Running Dogs Of Corporate Crypto Fascism

Negativity Alert!!! Danger!!! Freddy's in a bad mood!!!

Let's see . . . lower taxes, maybe even no taxes, certainly no income tax; smaller government, certainly as little Federal Government as could be safely managed; lower regulation of business; let markets operate freely. Isn't that what the Tea-Bagging crowd is marketing as their agenda?

Who would benefit from this agenda? Not the Tea Parties, that's for sure. All that they would accomplish would be the further reduction of their own standards of living. No, this is the same agenda that the corporations have been pushing since the Reagan era, and the big, multi-national corporations would be the only ones to profit. Where did the Tea Parties get these ideas anyway?

I don't think that the Federal Government is perfect. In fact, I'm submitting the previous sentence for this year's “Understatement Of The Year” competition. I do think that the Federal Government is necessary, and that it has done a lot of good over the years, mixed in with the not-so-good. What? You don't think so? Do your retired parents live with you, having no income and no medical insurance? Then shut up, and thank the Fed's.

Most importantly, only the Federal Government has the gravitas to control corporate ambitions. The Federal Government has the power of the Constitution, the Commerce Clause, and it is the gatekeeper for anyone that wants to do business in the United States. Any reduction in Federal authority creates a vacuum that can only be filled by corporations. State or local governments cannot control corporations, they cannot effectively regulate business, they cannot protect their citizens from corporate pirates. This is true now more than ever before, because today it is not only interstate business that they must compete with, but international business.

This function of the Federal Government protects ordinary American citizens. Corporations want you to pay too much for products that you need, and to spend as much as possible for additional products that you don't need. They want to cut corners in production at the risk of your safety. If you are injured by one of their products, they want to tell you to go away, or, if it comes to that, to prove it. If you work for a corporation, they want to pay you as little as possible, and to provide as few benefits as possible. If you are injured at work, the corporation wants to tell you that if you cannot come to work tomorrow, don't bother. The Federal Government may not be your friend, but compared to corporations, it is like your best friend and your favorite rich uncle all at the same time.

So, all you Tea Party Patriots, all you cranky White Boomers from mostly Kick-Stump, think twice about trying to destroy the power of the Federal Government to help and protect you. Plus, you can thank me for treating you with such kid gloves herein, instead of tearing into you with the ferocious abandon that your ridiculous “movement” deserves.


Anonymous said...

Tea Party = Green party for GOP
Shhh. They building a house of card to run in 2012. GOOD LUCK FALIN.

fred c said...

Danger is always present, but somehow progress always happens.