Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Little Bit Of Clarity

There is no class on the sixteenth, whatever some people think. I will teach in Petchabun on the twenty-fourth, not the seventeenth. There will be class on the twenty-third, and the building will be open, just like my students said but contrary to what the professors and the cleaning lady told me (classes in some bigger buildings will be cancelled, I hope that the cleaning lady catches up with this because she and I work in a smaller building and they'll dock her if she stays home).

I will teach in Nakorn Panhom on the thirty-first, not next month. The actual graduation, with all the buildings being closed up tight for security reasons, is the week of the twenty-sixth, and there will be no class. I will sit in the first row, the Professors' row, for graduation on the twenty-seventh. The week of the nineteenth is only the second week of practice.

I have achieved this level of understanding as of today, the twelfth.

So now I can plan my side-trips! I love this job.

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